T: 310.473.6800
Law Office of
When You Need a Gladiator to Defend and Protect


Upon representation of the Law Office of Frederic J. Warner, you will acquire an extensive record of excellent results, hard work, and a very aggressive advocate on your behalf. According to client testimonials, “Mr. Warner is a cut above the rest. He is precise, aggressive, compassionate, experienced and a zealous advocate. Anyone facing criminal charges would be lucky to have the services of this Los Angeles criminal attorney in their corner.”
Mr. Warner has been honored by the Beverly Hills Court, Los Angeles Municipal Courts, Los Angeles County Bar Association, Constitutional Rights Foundation, and by Evell Younger, California Attorney General (Juvenile Justice Conference) and is a member of the United States Supreme Court Bar.
Caring about minors in the Juvenile Courts throughout California, Mr. Warner is a member of the Juvenile Justice Attorney’s Association and has participated as an effective advocate for juvenile offenders.
Mr. Warner representation and hard work also prevails in Federal Courts: from San Francisco to San Diego, Mr. Warner has represented clients for drugs, counterfeiting, child pornography, fraud, and robbery among other federal stature violations.
16501 Ventura Blvd.
Suite 400
Encino, CA 94136
Ph: 310.473.6800
Email: fwarnerlaw@sbcglobal.net
Suite 400
Encino, CA 94136
Ph: 310.473.6800
Email: fwarnerlaw@sbcglobal.net