T: 310.473.6800
Law Office of
When You Need a Gladiator to Defend and Protect

Individuals who fail to comply with their conditions of probation may face a revocation of their probation, which can result in jail time or state prison. These kinds of violations can often be successfully defended, but only a truly experience lawyer will know which strategies to pursue a solid defense to an alleged probation violation. The Law Office of Frederic J. Warner works diligently to provide a reasonable explanation for failure to comply with a condition of their probation, often convincing the court to reinstate their probation with the exact same terms and conditions.
When probation terms are violated, the defendant is eligible for more jail time and the opportunity for probation is taken off the table.
Probation can be violated in the following ways:
- Failure to pay required fines or restitution to the victim
- Failure to comply with additional probation terms such as attending rehabilitation or completing community service
- Failure to appear to a scheduled court appearance for a progress report
- Failure to report to a probation officer at the scheduled times
- Violation of probation rules, terms, and conditions
- Possession of illegal substances or weapons
- The committing of a crime
- Being arrested
- Extension of probationary period
- Amendment to the probation terms and conditions
- Revocation of probation
- Re-instatement of probation with the same or different terms and conditions
- Community service
- Community labor
- Treatment programs
- Rehabilitation programs/classes
- Counseling
- Prison or jail time
16501 Ventura Blvd.
Suite 400
Encino, CA 94136
Ph: 310.473.6800
Email: fwarnerlaw@sbcglobal.net
Suite 400
Encino, CA 94136
Ph: 310.473.6800
Email: fwarnerlaw@sbcglobal.net