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When You Need a Gladiator to Defend and Protect


Frederic Warner expungements
Criminal convictions leave a “derogatory blemish” against you and your personal background. This information is available to employers, schools, colleges, financial institutions and anyone who searches for you on the Internet! If you received a probationary sentence, under the Laws of California you have that choice to remove this “blemish” from your record—The Motion for Expungement. Contact the Law Offices of Frederic J. Warner to inquire more about how to dismiss and expunge your criminal case.

The public often misunderstands the nature of expungement. Serious felony offenses could be reduced to misdemeanors and then expunged from your criminal record. Probation time can be terminated early for good cause and then expunged from your criminal record. There are many expungement options offered by the experience and aggressive staff at the Law Office of Frederic J. Warner.

Just because you’ve been convicted of a crime doesn’t mean that you’re a criminal. After all, youthful indiscretions and momentary lapses of judgment don’t affect your current behavior, but they could ruin the prospects that could help you build a happy, prosperous and upstanding life. That is why we aggressively pursue all available options by getting your felony or misdemeanor convictions expunged from your criminal record and getting your case dismissed.

Given the complexity of criminal defense in general and expungement motions in particular, it is vital that you choose a criminal defense lawyer who combines experience with a great track record. The Law Office of Frederic J. Warner has successfully represented hundreds of clients through the expungement process throughout the State of California.

Don’t let you past mistakes – or your criminal record – deny you a successful future!
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