T: 310.473.6800
Law Office of
When You Need a Gladiator to Defend and Protect

Domestic Violence is defined as “intentionally or recklessly causing or attempting to cause bodily injury, or placing another person in reasonable apprehension of imminent, serious bodily injury to himself, herself of another.” Domestic violence can occur between spouses, partners, former partners or spouses, children, individuals involved in dating relationship, or the elderly.
In California, law enforcement agencies have the power to arrest you for domestic violence even if the alleged victim disagrees. Even though it may be established that you did not commit the offense, the implied guilt can affect you emotionally and financially for the rest of your life.
If you are arrested for domestic violence you must protect your constitutional rights. Make sure that you do not answer any questions until you consult with an experienced domestic violence defense attorney. The Law Office of Frederic J. Warner is committed to upholding your rights. We employ an aggressive defense and can often reduce or dismiss the charges against you.
The Law Office of Frederic J. Warner understands that law enforcement agencies are particularly sensitive to domestic violence and tend to file charges regardless of the circumstances leading up to the arrest. We will vigorously defend your rights to a fair and unbiased trial. Mr. Warner guarantees that you will receive the undivided attention that you deserve and will make sure that all alternative sentencing options are presented to the judge.
Domestic violence is a serious matter and convictions can be harsh. An experience domestic abuse defense attorney may be able to convince a court to impost alternative sentencing, such a probation and counseling, rather than prison time.
It is vital that you choose an attorney who combines experience with a great track record, a thorough understanding and familiarity with the law and the local courts, and a commitment to each and every client.
16501 Ventura Blvd.
Suite 400
Encino, CA 94136
Ph: 310.473.6800
Email: fwarnerlaw@sbcglobal.net
Suite 400
Encino, CA 94136
Ph: 310.473.6800
Email: fwarnerlaw@sbcglobal.net